Friday, May 14, 2010

2010-0513 - Weight gain!

Larry made a quick run up to the vet to get the flea med for Joy that we though we got when we were in there last week but --- we had bags of information and "stuff" when we left so it's not too difficult to see how it got missed! ;)

Anyway... Larry took Joy with him and was going to get her a new carrier as well 'cause the kitty carrier has already gotten too small for her! Well, wouldn't you know, last week there were a half dozen carriers there but this week they are sold out! He took the opportunity to put Joy on the scales and Woot!! The girl is up to 9.8 pounds! Go Joy! :D

Went to the mail-box today and there it was, Joy's OFFICIAL American Kennel Club Registration Papers. She is now 100% legit. We are now the proud owners of "Silverhill's Make A Joyful Noise", Registration Number WS15502402 (7-10) BLK MHGY. They also sent along a 4 generation official pedigree, Pretty Nifty.....

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! It's going to be so much fun watching Joy grow.
