Monday, May 31, 2010

2010-0528 / 0530

We're beginning to wonder if the great outdoors is really all that "great". We've been taking Joy out for her potty breaks and spending time in the kennel with her while she just romps around and lays in the shade. Wednesday evening we noticed a small bump on her belly and made arrangements to take her in to see the Doc Thursday afternoon.

The Doc figures it's either a bug bite or an irritant from a twig or stiff plant that she might have been poked with while she's been romping around, gave her a shot of benedryl and sent us home with orders to "keep an eye on it".

Well, today it's almost gone but there a couple more in the same area, so we're "keeping an eye on them", too. ;)

Can't believe that she gain a pound in less than a week! She's up to 12.8 pounds which is just about my limit for lifting. Good thing she's almost able to climb up on the foot stool!

On the recommendation of Dr. Reed, we got a pressed rawhide bone for Joy to chew on (instead of us!). Then, of course, we had to get one for Billie ;) Me thinks Joy is living in "tomorrow" when she'll be big enough for the bone she always heads for!

We are on constant patrol to take away the big bone (Billie's) and replace it with the little one (Joy's) - which usually involves a bit of "hang-time" when Joy doesn't want to let go of the big bone (grinning)

Wednesday was a "Red Letter Day"! Joy was laying on the living room floor then she got up and headed into the bedroom. I followed her and was surprised to see her go into her crate, lay down, and close her eyes! Woot! The first time she's gone into the crate on her own, without being told to. Pretty cool. I turned around and walked away leaving the door open so she could come back out whenever she was ready --- which turned out to be nearly three hours later!

Joy and I were getting ready to go outside this afternoon when Larry turned on the power drill... Joy did an immediate about face and headed back into the living room just yapping her brains out! She does not like power tools! LOL


Looks like those bumps/bites/whatever are history. They have vanished as quickly as they arrived. Yay!

Joy absolutely does not like Summer (and it's not even here yet!). Take her out to the kennel - which has been extended to 10' x 20' and she hunts down the shadiest spot she can find - even if it's under your chair! As soon as we say "Let's go in the house, Joy.", she's up and heading for the door and rushes right in to plop down on the AC vent. Yep, a girl after my own heart! Looking forward to the first snow fall! LOL

Larry's been having to loosen her collar almost daily! Joy's still trying desperately to make friends with Billie and Billie's having none of it! I'm really surprised because Billie used to love being around little puppers. Perhaps the wee one next door has tormented her to the point where she's figuring anything little is nothing but trouble! ;) Will definitely be interesting to see what happens as Joy grows bigger... and bigger... and bigger! LOL

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