Larry has been wanting to get a Rottweiler puppy for longer than I've known him and he's been researching breeders for the past six years (that I know of!). During the past year, he's been focused on one breeder in particular, SilverHill Rottweilers. Many emails and telephone conversations later resulted in our planning the journey to SilverHill Rottweilers in Apex, North Carolina. It would be a long drive for us, but much shorter than many folks have made to get one of the coveted SilverHill pups! If you're looking for a quality home-bred Rottweiler let your first stop be SilverHill Rottweilers, you won't be disappointed!
Cathy Ruben (owner of SilverHill Rottweilers) told us the theme of this litter was "Happiness". As a youngster Larry was "blessed" by his Mother's singing in their church choir - as loud as she possibly could and as far off-key as was possible -but she did indeed "make a joyful noise unto the Lord". Larry belongs to the church choir here and while he truly has a beautiful voice, the name for his new puppy was just a blessed inspiration.
This was to be THE day. The day that saw his dreams of several decades come to fruition. There were many years of research and study that lead to this day and this particular decision and now that it was upon him, his nerves were barely contained as we readied for the rental car to arrive. We have a vehicle, but over 200 miles and temps over 85 degrees... just seemed wiser to rent, y'know? ;)
Then, just 15 minutes before it was due, we get a call "The car we had for you is unavailable. Somebody vandalized it last night and it will be an hour before another car can get here from our other store". *Sigh* That means our arrival at SilverHill Rottweilers will be delayed by at least an hour. Our plan was to have a leisurely drive to Apex, North Carolina, have lunch somewhere nearby, and then head over to pick up our new puppy.
Again our best laid plans were thwarted by road construction! Mercy. Another half hour eaten up by rail road track repairs. Ninety minutes from our planned departure time and we STILL hadn't gotten out of the county!
Finally got past the construction and onto the Interstate! On our way and rewarded by the beautiful scenery and excellent roads! We had heard that the closer you get to Raleigh, the better the roads and sadly for those of us west of Raleigh, it's true!
We arrived and saw two of the most delightful signs ... one on a nearby tree had a silhouette of a Rottweiler with the words "I can make it to the gate in 3 seconds ... Can You?". The other on the gate read "Old Dog, Young Dog, and several stupid dogs, please drive slowly" I meant to take pictures of them on the way out but completely forgot!
Once inside we met Ice (Joy's hugely handsome dad):
We knew that Rotties were big dogs, but you just can't appreciate what "big" in a dog really means until you are literally face-to-face with a lad the size of Ice! And herders? Oh my, they all tried their herding abilities on us! And the volume! Wow! I thought the Dobie next door had a huge voice but Chico's got nothing on the SilverHill gang - especially Gilly! Wow, that lady belts it out! :)
We also got to meet Gilly (Ice's mom), and Tara - two more huge, loveable creatures!
Mira, Joy's mom, is living with a gentleman who'd lost his own fur kid, came to SilverHill to purchase a puppy and when he got home, was so lonesome for a fur kid that Cathy loaned him Mira until his own puppy would be ready. As it turned out they bonded so thoroughly that sending Mira back home to SilverHill would have broken two hearts.
After a bit, Cathy came out with Joy in her arms - holding her just like the baby she is and presented her to us. What a delightful wee pupper! Yes, for a Rottie, Joy is a little one but she still fit comfortably in the kitty carrier we brought along! ;)
The ride home was truly an amazing adventure. Joy slept most of the way and it wasn't until about two hours into the trip that she began whining for a potty break. Can't tell you how wicked cool it is that she whines when she has to go potty! We turned onto a road, then onto another road and found a really isolated place away from the traffic sounds. It only took Joy a couple of minutes to "take care of business" but we let her romp around for a bit - she'd been cooped up in that carrier for more than two hours and we all needed to stretch our legs!
We were all exhausted from the long day - well, Larry and I were, Joy was full of puppy energy! When it was time for her to go to bed, we put her in the crate, said Good Night, turned off the light and headed for the blankets ourselves. Joy whined for a couple of minutes then settled in for the night. What a blessing! We thought for sure we'd be up half the night listening to a lonely, whining baby.
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